Breakin’ Bread: Native Tongue & Goose Island Happy Hour

Talk about a great mission! Chicago’s Native Tongue Magazine is an amazing non-profit food magazine that provides food education and food literacy through tailored recipes, cooking techniques and healthier decision making for food insecure communities.

A couple of weeks ago, they invited us to the event Breakin’ Bread: Native Tongue & Goose Island Happy Hour to help spread the word about the importance of empowering underserved neighborhoods. Contributions to the non-profit allow them to distribute copies of the magazine to families in need, as well as host food programs with helpful lessons that start with the grocery store and end at the dinner table.

“Adequate grocery stores and farmers markets are sparse in neighborhoods such as Austin, Englewood, and North Lawndale,” writes the online magazine. “Residents also aren't necessarily able to easily afford healthy and nutritious foods if a grocery store is nearby. Additionally, locals face another health challenge when their food options are limited to unhealthy fast food or low-quality convenience store items”

To learn more or to purchase this beautiful magazine, visit their site.

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