Beyond Avo Toast

Move over avo toast! There are so many delicious toasts you can do at home by simply piling on a combination of your favorite seasonal veggies, cheeses or protein. Think hummus toast or bean dip toast, almond butter with fruit, egg scramble with cheese or figs with prosciutto.

Here’s one of our favorites. We love to add greens to toasts with the addition of something salty, whether it is a poached egg or just salty bacon or salami. To make this toast, we just sautéed a bunch of chopped kale, onion and celery with olive oil, garlic and local summer sausage. We placed the veggies on toasted slices of Italian bread. Then, added an extra drizzle of olive oil and diced red onions. So tasty!

Let us know about your unique combination and we’ll be happy to try them at home. Have a wonderful weekend!

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