Creamed asparagus and sugar snap peas

Easter brunch is around the corner. A quick an easy menu is exactly what you need to be in and out of the kitchen and enjoy such a fun day. Good bread, soft scramble eggs and a couple of fruit desserts are always a must for us, as well as a couple of comforting veggie side dishes using seasonal ingredients.

This year, for instance, we added asparagus and sugar snap peas to our grocery list. And the plan is to combine it with garlic, cream and herbs until it develops a sauce that can be dabbed with soft, warm bread.

It’s not super healthy, I have to say. But somehow having green veggies in the mix makes it all OK. Plus, it’s Easter! You can complement your brunch with a long walk in the beautiful weather to burn the calories away. Our recipe is up next.

Creamed asparagus and sugar snap peas – Ingredients: 
  • 3 Cups of fresh sugar snap peas 
  • 14 (or so) asparagus 
  • 1 Cup of slices onions 
  • 2 Large cloves of garlic 
  • ¼ Cup of olive oil 
  • ¼ Cup of cream 
  • Salt and pepper to taste. 
  • ¼ Cup of chopped parsley 
  • ¼ Cup of shaved manchego cheese (or similar) 

Using a large frying pan, sauté the onions with the olive oil until translucent. Add the garlic and the veggies, and sprinkle salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook for 4 minutes. Add the cream and cook with the veggies until it thickens. Finish with parsley and cheese.

More Lent & Easter Recipes

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